I got a much better idea of what tagging was all about via "Social bookmarking in plain English" from the You tube link than I did from the learning 2.0 Podcast on the topic. I wasn't all that excited or interested in the "Hotlist of what people are bookmarking. The visual dictionary was of some interest to me.
Even though 242 people checked out the "Foodpairing " site I didn't get what itwas trying to do. I must be missing something! can 242 people be wrong?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Week 5 #12 Rollyo
With a little bit of help from my friends I was able to attain a small degree of success and satisfaction out of this and the prececeeding 2 tasks. I don't think that my Rollyo search roll actually works but what the heck it's time to move on.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Week 5 #11 Library thing
Browsed the site but couldn't undertake the required task as a message about "not being able to set cookies properly beacuse my computers system clock was wrong" kept appearing. Got totally frustrated and wasted heaps of time.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Week 5#10 Online image generators
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Week 4: #9 Newsfeeds
Week 4: #8 RSS feeds and Newsreaders
As always I was relieved that I was able to follow the instructions and complete the week's task, although in this instance I did not feel terribly thrilled about what I'd actually done or achieved. I think that the concept of making information more manageable for the individual is of course a good idea for particular persons who need to be up to speed in their areas of expertise but I am quite happy to "browse" and add commonly used URLS to my favourites list.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Week 3: #7 Blog about technology

Computers have a way of making me feel old. Having had no personal exposure to computers during my primary and secondary education and minimal contact with them during my tertiary studies I feel that I have not "grown up " with computers and probably always will have difficulty in feeling confident, comfortable or overly excited by them. When I have free time in my day, sitting in front of a computer is not something I have a great urge to do. I see my children using the home computer much more as recreational tool rather than the educational tool we thought it was going to be. They can't live without their daily fix of Myspace and iTunes and we constantly try to limit their usage. My recently acquired interest in genelogical research now means that I now have to compete with them for computer time - much to their displeasure. I wonder whether my children will feel technologically challenged when they reach my age.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Week 3: #6 Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites
I'm feeling a bit out of my depth with the content in this area. This mashup stuff looks great and would be great in the world of business but is not something that I could see myself using. I did however find the Yahoo travel trip planner interesting. Any personal travel advice would be useful and it's something that I might be able to contribute to.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Week 3: #5 Adding a photo from Flickr

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Week 2: #4 Registering my blog
Not another password to remember!!
What a relief to see some red blocks next to my name confirming that things are working and my efforts thus far have been acknowledged. I was starting to get worried and a tad frustrated so I asked my fourteen year old daughter for a bit of help. Oh to be young and technologically confident! I totally will have to lift my game if I want anyone to take my blog seriously. It is way too boring so far.
What a relief to see some red blocks next to my name confirming that things are working and my efforts thus far have been acknowledged. I was starting to get worried and a tad frustrated so I asked my fourteen year old daughter for a bit of help. Oh to be young and technologically confident! I totally will have to lift my game if I want anyone to take my blog seriously. It is way too boring so far.
Week 2: #3 Creating a blog
To blog or not to blog.
I've heard people talk of blogs but couldn't imagine myself being involved in the world of blogging. What would I say? Would I want to make my innermost thoughts available to the public? Perhaps one day, perhaps at the end of all this I might be a convert but just right now it all feels a bit not me. Whilst exploring the world of blogs I came accross a blog which was posted by the mother of teenager who had suicided. It was sad and confronting but it presented a very strong message and would have been therapeutic for the author. Nevertheless I do worry about the potential harm that could arise from such an open forum. Call me oldfashioned - you're probably right!
I've heard people talk of blogs but couldn't imagine myself being involved in the world of blogging. What would I say? Would I want to make my innermost thoughts available to the public? Perhaps one day, perhaps at the end of all this I might be a convert but just right now it all feels a bit not me. Whilst exploring the world of blogs I came accross a blog which was posted by the mother of teenager who had suicided. It was sad and confronting but it presented a very strong message and would have been therapeutic for the author. Nevertheless I do worry about the potential harm that could arise from such an open forum. Call me oldfashioned - you're probably right!
Week 1: #1 and #2 Starting the program
A somewhat belated report on WeekOne.
Hey! This is OK. My feelings of anxiety about this program appear to have been unfounded. The podcast left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. Perhaps I will be able to work my way through the weeks to come. Working with computers has always been challenging for me so I shall have to try really hard to remain positive.
Hey! This is OK. My feelings of anxiety about this program appear to have been unfounded. The podcast left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. Perhaps I will be able to work my way through the weeks to come. Working with computers has always been challenging for me so I shall have to try really hard to remain positive.
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