Thursday, November 22, 2007

Week 6 : #13 Tagging

I got a much better idea of what tagging was all about via "Social bookmarking in plain English" from the You tube link than I did from the learning 2.0 Podcast on the topic. I wasn't all that excited or interested in the "Hotlist of what people are bookmarking. The visual dictionary was of some interest to me.
Even though 242 people checked out the "Foodpairing " site I didn't get what itwas trying to do. I must be missing something! can 242 people be wrong?

Week 5 #12 Rollyo

With a little bit of help from my friends I was able to attain a small degree of success and satisfaction out of this and the prececeeding 2 tasks. I don't think that my Rollyo search roll actually works but what the heck it's time to move on.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Week 5 #11 Library thing

Browsed the site but couldn't undertake the required task as a message about "not being able to set cookies properly beacuse my computers system clock was wrong" kept appearing. Got totally frustrated and wasted heaps of time.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 5#10 Online image generators

I looked at lots of generators but couldn't figure them out. I made a "smiley", a chocolate block and tried to design a motivational poster but it was taking ages and I couldn't follow how it was supposed to happen. Do you have to pay for some of these things? What was all the advertising about?
As you can see I eventually
got some very basic and embarrassing images onto this blog.